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ISO9001 annual audit(Y2023) passed (QM system)

Mr. Jiang Zuoding, an auditor of NSF-ISR China, conducted an annual supervision and audit of TR-Tools’ ISO9001 quality manage system. Mr. Jiang believes that the operation of our company's quality manage system is under proper control, the organization has not changed and remains intact, the internal audit and management review are carried out as planned, and the performance evaluation and continuous improvement are also well completed.
Auditor had a meeting with the company's manager and appreciated our cooperation throughout the whole audit process.
Audit comments: Based on the performance trends, company special status, suspension history, customer audit results (as applicable), repetition of major issues, nature of major issues, overall quality management system implementation and effective implementation of 100% resolved and closed NCRs, the audit team have made the following recommendation to NSF-ISR’s certification decision authority: Justification for not recommending certification withdrawal:
